Moving With Pets: How To Make It Go Smoothly.
As the proud owner of a 13-year-old lab, I know first-hand how challenging change can be for our pets. Moving can be an especially stressful experience, as they may become anxious or disoriented in a new environment. However, here are a few steps from experts that you can take to make the process easier for your furry friends:
Plan Ahead:
Start planning for your move well in advance to reduce stress for both you and your pet.
Make a checklist to ensure you don't forget any important tasks related to your pet's needs.
Maintain Routine:
Stick to your pet's regular routine as closely as possible. This includes feeding, exercise, and playtime.
Familiarity can help reduce stress, so try to keep the same schedule during and after the move.
Create a Safe Space:
Set up a comfortable and secure area in your new home where your pet can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. This can be a designated room or a quiet corner.
Update Identification:
Ensure your pet's identification, such as a collar with an ID tag or a microchip, is updated with your new contact information.
Visit the New Home in Advance:
If possible, take your pet to the new home before the move to familiarize them with the surroundings.
Use Familiar Items:
Bring your pet's familiar toys, bedding, and other belongings to the new home to provide a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Keep Pets Secure on Moving Day:
On moving day, keep your pets in a secure, quiet room away from the chaos. This will prevent them from getting stressed or escaping during the move.
Transport Safely:
If you're traveling a long distance, make sure your pet is safely secured in a well-ventilated carrier or crate during transit.
Ensure they have food, water, and bathroom breaks as needed.
Gradual Introductions:
If you have other pets or are moving into a shared living space with other animals, introduce them gradually and under supervision to reduce potential conflicts.
Patience and Reassurance:
Be patient with your pet as they adjust to the new environment. Offer plenty of reassurance, love, and attention.
Vet Checkup:
Schedule a vet checkup before and after the move to ensure your pet is healthy and to address any concerns or anxiety.
Research Local Regulations:
Research local pet regulations and pet-friendly places in your new area, like dog parks or nearby veterinary clinics.
Remember that every pet is unique, and their needs and reactions may vary. Pay close attention to their behavior during the move and in the days following, and adjust your approach accordingly to make the transition as smooth as possible for them.
Looking for a new pet-friendly home and neighborhood? I''m happy to help. Just send me an email and let me know a little bit about you, your pet, and what your needs are. We will work together to find the perfect fit for your family.