Making the Most of Your Summer Real Estate Hunt
Everyone loves a road trip right? The thrill of adventure, the cool stops, the traffic- well maybe not the traffic but the cool stops- of course! This summer as you embark on your ultimate real estate search turn it into a fun road trip by adding a few fun stops along the way.
1. Check out the restaurants in the area you may want to move to. I always research the Triple D site when I am in a new town to check out the places the locals rave about. Not only will you get a memorable meal but you will get a chance to meet the locals and maybe even ask them about where they live.
2. Explore the area for a day. Go on the web or on the app YELP and research the points of interest around the community you are interested in. Maybe check out the culture by hitting a museum or art gallery. Check the paper and see if there are any festivals going on. Discover a new park or nature area. If you have time to plan you can even purchase tickets to a local theater or amphitheater to see what a night on the town is like.
3. Go shopping. You are going to need to know where to shop when you move to a new town so go check out the mall, the grocery stores and the shopping centers near your ideal neighborhood to see if they offer everything you need. Can you walk there from your community? Do they have your favorite stores?
4. If you go to church, stop in a Sunday service. As we all know churches are different in every town even though they may be the same denomination. Check out the one that is closest to your potential new community and see how it fits your spiritual side. You'll also meet people who can tell you a little bit about the area and what they like about living there.
5. Find an experienced Real Estate agent that can show you around. The internet is a great tool but nothing can be more helpful than a local agent who has experienced living in the town you are interested in. You may be looking at homes online that seem like amazing deals only to discover that they are not located in an area that works for you. A local can also give the inside scoop on places to eat, shop and even healthcare.
Even if you decide not to make a purchase where your looking you will have had some fun and memorable experiences along the way.